Join us for a Non-Profit Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, May 3.

Local HQ

Local HQ is a collaborative space for like-minded organizations with a heart for the community. We at Local Church Canton believe that we are better together.

We are excited to see how Local HQ can help lots of wonderful organizations meet needs here in our own backyard!

Reach out to Leonard Akers if you are interested in learning more.

Leadership Cohort

Local HQ invites non-profit leaders to join us for a unique experience of growth and learning. We have assembled a great group of presenters who will share their stories and insight on distinct aspects of how they conduct themselves and their ministries/businesses. These 12 sessions will be informative and engaging with opportunities to seek practical advice.

Each session will last approximately 2 hours (lunchtime) and there will be two sessions each month from October 2024 – March 2025.  

Register Now


Our Tenants

The Children’s Haven  – Promote the health and happiness of children impacted by abuse and neglect.

Reinhardt FCA – Lead every coach and athlete at Reinhardt into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

Goshen Valley – Hope and healing to foster youth and vulnerable families.

First Day Marketing – Faith-based marketing company to support mission and ministry partners.

Homeless Coalition of Cherokee County Journey with those who are experiencing homelessness and help them build bridges of faith, fellowship, and stability to a more hopeful future.

The Isaiah 61:1 Project – Connect the incarcerated with tools to ensure a successful re-entry while mentoring them with spiritually based principles.

Building Fires – Fanning the inner flames of today’s developing youth to build a better tomorrow

Restoration Life Church – Church plant in Ballground

Word of Life Youth Ministries – Planting engaged youth ministries in today’s church

Cherokee FCA – Lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church